Foot Reflexology
Foot Reflexology
Reflexology is based on the principle that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrors congestion or tension in a corresponding part of the body. These parts, known as reflex points, can also be found on the hands and other body parts, however, the most commonly treated area is the feet.
Foot Reflexology has many beneficial and lasting effects. Some treatments are gentle in nature, aiming to restore systems for better function while others are more specific, addressing the patient’s particular conditions. It is a healing process that can be safety used when it is not convenient to treat other body parts. It is non-intrusive technique, improving indirectly.
Foot Reflexology can be a relaxing therapy that works on many levels, soothing, calming, balancing and boosting the entire body.
Foot Reflexology general benefits include:
Menopausal symptoms,
Pre menstrual syndrome
and other menstrual irregularities,
General benefits include
Reduced stress and tension,
Improved circulation,
Reduced toxicity,
Improved immunity and
Increased body awareness.